Supported browsers: Chrome version 21 and later: Mozilla Firefox version 36 and later: Safari For first time users, step one in your online registration is to create an account by clicking on the "Register Now" button. Forgotten Username: If you forget the username you created when activating your account, visit the Forgot Username page. Also see Important Information When Accessing Your TEACH Account. If you cannot access your MyNYSTRS account, it may be due to one of the following reasons. Transcript Courses Contact us IMPORTANT UPDATE: COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Vaccination Status. Net - TEACHERS - Education resources, Teacher chat, lesson plans, teaching jobs. Retirees must enroll in SHIP within the first year of retirement. Please note, New York State certification records were computerized Teaching is a practice profession requiring study that is academically rigorous, clinically based, content-rich, and informed by research, preparing candidates to apply the science and art of teaching and learning. Inequalities Activity Color by Number Distance Learning. Welcome to the New York City Department of Education's Teacher Application for the 2021-22 school year. This can be done by logging in to your TEACH account and viewing your Account Information page. In compliance with federal, state, local, or tribal guidelines, some test centers may … NYS Department of Education Office of Teaching Initiatives. A teacher is a "jack of all trades," ranging from the classroom CEO to the classroom janitor. Learn more about adding the Florida Reading Endorsement The Daring English Teacher.